Wicked Shell Programming Workshop @ UCSC

We had a nice couple of sessions on shell programming today at the LSF lab @ UCSC. Anuradha started off with a great introduction that set the stage for the rest of the day. I followed with my invent as I go style of presentation, which for the most part I believe (hope) made sense. Then Sapumal did the evening session on brining all of it together with an advanced session.

There was a good geek crowd that filled the small LSF room where geeks were seen on chairs, couches, on top of tables and on their feet. All of the speeches and some interludes were recorded and could go up youtube if and when someone gets around to it. Overall it was a good first day and more will follow tomorrow.

I have a session in the evening and will try to pop in and out between my usual Linux lectures at UCSC and the workshop. In the mine time, enjoy these few pics I took from day 1.

Shell workshop 2008Shell workshop 2008Shell workshop 2008Shell workshop 2008Shell workshop 2008


Ishan said…
A valuable workshop :-) Hope few more in future...
workshop was wonderful..thanks a lot for all your efforts. Hope there will be more in future..

expecting a post on day2..cudn't participate for day2.
geekaholic said…
Glad you guys enjoyed it.

Here are some pics from
Dassa (Notebook Anuradha)

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