The Mango party!
Mango is a new distro that is based on Slackware/Vector (do I hear.. long live Slack????), and contains sinhala and tamil localization as well as several useful packages. Though I would have preferred if he had used Debian/Taprobane instead, I guess a slacker will always be a slacker :) (FYI:he has shown interest in a remastered taprobane with a different undisclosed name)
Interestingly enough the key person, Arunan was missing from the event. Most of us waited and waited for him to turn up while some people had to leave ealy. After several hours of waiting (while having fun), he turned up with hands empty. It seems the Mango iso image was too big to fit on to a CD. So I guess, we'll have to wait for the official version or ask for a DVD version.
* Today also happens to be my brother's B' day. If your reading this - Happy B' day malli!