Learning the GIMP

Just came back from the GIMP class, which Arunan kicked off today. Though I never considered my self as a GIMP user, nevertheless I was able to do simple tasks such as resizing/cropping/rotating images, removing an object from an image by carefully selecting it or using the sharpen/blur tool to enhance the image.

Most of this knowledge was gained when I was still using Windoze and Photoshop. After I switched over to GNU/Linux platform and started using GIMP, I found myself sort of like in a parallel universe, where GIMP seemed somewhat familiar to Photoshop, with the exception of things not working quite as expected. As time passed, I got used to GIMP; finding how to perform most of the operations I had mastered, except for one: how to work with multiple layers.

On photoshop, when you pasted an image on to another, it is automatically pasted on a separate layer. This makes editing much easier, since you have fine control of the pieces that make up the image. On GIMP, it seemed like the image you pasted got copied to a new layer, but as soon as you click on the canvas, it flattens the image, loosing the layer information. At first it was annoying, but soon I learned to live with it by finding other techniques – until today that is! Thanks to Arunan, now I know how to create and work with layers on GIMP.

The class was quite exciting, as the for of us, which included two monks, worked our way at putting together a vegetable version of “Mr. Potato Head”.

So without any further delays, I present you my creation - “Veg. Potato Head”.

vegitables vegpotato


SRIshanu said…
Its a nice work, though it hasn't pass Photoshop yet. Let's hope it will. (But i'm a Adobe fan as well as GNU/Linux). So dont really want GIMP to pass Adobe Photoshop, but i'm happy with wat GIMP guys have done.

Coming to wat u;v done, it is a good job, but remember... its the same thing wat i did as a beginner to Photoshop, like all other Photoshop users in this world.

Thanks & Rgds
Hashmil said…
Hey dude...

nice to see that GIMP is coming up and trying to gain a place in the graphics arena. But I dont think that GIMP can ever come to the standards of Photoshop! Not after Adobe bought Macromedia and have enhanced their products, which was released with CS2 (Creative Suite 2).

I too am a Linux user...but only use it for general perpouses such as surfing the net, checking mails, word processing and stuff like that. but when it comes to graphics you feel extreamly handicapped in the linux platform. AAnd this is where you need Windoze by your side!

and this thing is not relavent only to photoshop but also other applications like Illustrator, Corel Draw, 3Ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4d etc. I cant imagine how long will we have towait till substitutes of these come under the linux platform!

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